Working With Type

GlyphProof is an InDesign script that creates a document showing the glyphs of a typeface in all weights and styles. You can choose a type family and a range of glyph IDs (GID).

The script comes with three options

  • Print Weights and Styles: Will show a list of all weights and styles of the given typeface
  • Insert Linebreak: Creates a new line for every glyph ID.
  • Show GID Number: Prints the gylph ID number

For every weight/style there is a InDesign Character Style created, also for the divider glyph, that you could change for a next step.

Note: The more weights and styles a type family has, and the more glyph IDs are selected, the longer may the task run. This can became a performance test, try Acumin Variable Concept ..

If you need the number of glyphs in a fontfile use FontDrop!

Article on Medium with some more InDesign Scripts.